offers Crystal Healing Mumbai

about crystal healing

A method of healing with the use of crystals placed on or around the body is called Crystal Healing. Since the earliest times, crystals have been used to heal and restore balance. They help in releasing and clearing negative energy, thereby assisting in energy healing. 

The earliest records of crystal healing have been traced in Ancient Egypt. India’s Ayurvedic records and traditional Chinese medicine also claim healing with the use of crystals, dating back to 5000 years ago.

Crystals are nature’s gift to man that augment healing. Crystals are found in all shapes, sizes, colours and composition. 

Each crystal has a unique vibrational resonance. They owe their unique qualities to their mineral content, their inherent geometry and the colour frequency they emit.

The human body has a complex electromagnetic system, also known as a vibrational energy system. Nature has created crystals to be perfect electromagnetic conductors, capable of interacting with our electromagnetic system. Crystals have been found to carry vibration that activates certain energy centers within our electromagnetic system, thus having a positive effect on our entire body systems.

Chakras are the spinning wheels of conscious energy. There are 7 major chakras and 50 minor chakras.

Chakras absorb the life energy or Prana. Thus any blockage or disruption in the flow of this natural energy affects a person on all 3 levels – physical, mental and spiritual.

Prana has Healing qualities. As more prana or life force is absorbed by the body through the chakras it keeps a person balanced and healthy.

In Crystal Healing, crystals must be placed on the chakra points. Crystals of various colours help in the healing process by creating certain tranquil emotions and altering the state of mind. The colours of the crystals are associated with the various chakra centers in the body. Each chakra has a colour and if crystals of the same colour are placed on the associated center, it affects that area of the body. When crystals are placed at corresponding chakra point, they cleanse and energise the chakra. This helps in healing and harmonizing energy.

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